class NeuronModels::SpikeSourceArray


Spike source array. More…

#include <neuronModels.h>

class SpikeSourceArray: public NeuronModels::Base
    // typedefs

    typedef Snippet::ValueBase<0> ParamValues;
    typedef Models::VarInitContainerBase<2> VarValues;
    typedef Models::VarInitContainerBase<0> PreVarValues;
    typedef Models::VarInitContainerBase<0> PostVarValues;

    // methods

    static const NeuronModels::SpikeSourceArray* getInstance();
    virtual std::string getSimCode() const;
    virtual std::string getThresholdConditionCode() const;
    virtual std::string getResetCode() const;
    virtual VarVec getVars() const;
    virtual EGPVec getExtraGlobalParams() const;

Inherited Members

    // typedefs

    typedef std::vector<std::string> StringVec;
    typedef std::vector<EGP> EGPVec;
    typedef std::vector<ParamVal> ParamValVec;
    typedef std::vector<DerivedParam> DerivedParamVec;
    typedef std::vector<Var> VarVec;

    // structs

    struct DerivedParam;
    struct EGP;
    struct ParamVal;
    struct Var;

    // methods

    virtual ~Base();
    virtual StringVec getParamNames() const;
    virtual DerivedParamVec getDerivedParams() const;
    virtual VarVec getVars() const;
    virtual EGPVec getExtraGlobalParams() const;
    size_t getVarIndex(const std::string& varName) const;
    size_t getExtraGlobalParamIndex(const std::string& paramName) const;
    virtual std::string getSimCode() const;
    virtual std::string getThresholdConditionCode() const;
    virtual std::string getResetCode() const;
    virtual std::string getSupportCode() const;
    virtual Models::Base::ParamValVec getAdditionalInputVars() const;
    virtual bool isAutoRefractoryRequired() const;

Detailed Documentation

Spike source array.

A neuron which reads spike times from a global spikes array It has 2 variables:

  • startSpike - Index of the next spike in the global array
  • endSpike - Index of the spike next to the last in the globel array

and 1 global parameter:

  • spikeTimes - Array with all spike times


virtual std::string getSimCode() const

Gets the code that defines the execution of one timestep of integration of the neuron model.

The code will refer to for the value of the variable with name “NN”. It needs to refer to the predefined variable “ISYN”, i.e. contain , if it is to receive input.

virtual std::string getThresholdConditionCode() const

Gets code which defines the condition for a true spike in the described neuron model.

This evaluates to a bool (e.g. “V > 20”).

virtual std::string getResetCode() const

Gets code that defines the reset action taken after a spike occurred. This can be empty.

virtual VarVec getVars() const

Gets names and types (as strings) of model variables.

virtual EGPVec getExtraGlobalParams() const

Gets names and types (as strings) of additional per-population parameters for the weight update model.